Live Pleco

Blue Phantom Pleco


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$49.99 USD
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$49.99 USD
Remarks: Blue Phantom Plecos (Hemiancistrus sp.) are medium-sized Loricariids from Venezuela and Colombia. They have a navy-blue body color with light blue spots throughout the body. At the snout, the spots are small and more dense, but they get larger and more sparse closer to the tail.

Scientific Name: Hemiancistrus sp.

Common Name: L128 Blue Phantom Pleco

Max Size: 7"

pH: 6.0-7.0

Hardness: Moderate

Temperature: 75-82°

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Region of Origin: South America

Captive Bred or Wild: Wild

Diet: Frozen or live meats, occasional vegetables

Compatibility: Plecos, catfish, schooling fish, livebearers, rainbowfish