Live Discus

Heckel Discus


Regular price
$69.99 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$69.99 USD
Remarks: Discus require softer water and higher temperatures than most South American fish. They are also known for requiring extremely clean water. They will share a tank with Corydoras that prefer warmer waters (such as C. sterbai), Angelfish, Geophagus, and other peaceful South American fish. Please note: This fish will only be shipped via UPS Overnight delivery.

Scientific Name: Symphysodon aequifasciata

Common Name: Checkerboard Blue Discus

Max Size: 8"

pH: 5.0-7.0

Hardness: Soft

Temperature: 74-84°

Aggressiveness: Semi-Aggressive

Region of Origin: South America

Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred

Diet: Flake or pellet

Compatibility: South American cichlids, schooling fish larger than 1", catfish, plecos.