Live Rainbowfish

Dorityi Rainbowfish


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$18.99 USD
Remarks: Glossolepis dorityi (Dority's Rainbowfish) males have silver bodies with red zig-zag stripes running horizontally across their body, earning them the nickname "Zig Zag Rainbowfish." Females are silver or bronze in color and lack the stripes.

The fish are omnivorous and should be fed a quality flake food with supplemental proteins such as baby brine shrimp. They require clean water but tolerate a wide variety of water parameters. By providing frequent water changes, you will be rewarded with nearly continuous spawning attempts. Glossolepis species deposit eggs in weedy areas (often mimicked by a yarn mop) and the eggs hatch 7-10 days later. Eggs can be harvested for hatching in separate tanks to avoid predation. Most Rainbows show their best colors at sunrise, when the males display their bright fins for potential mates. Having more females than males will allow for proper color displays and avoid any unwanted aggression towards lone females.

Scientific Name: Glossolepis dorityi

Common Name: Dority's Rainbowfish

Max Size: 5.5"

pH: 7.0-8.0

Hardness: Moderate

Temperature: 70-80°

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Region of Origin: Oceania

Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred

Diet: Small flake or pellet, small frozen or live foods

Compatibility: Schooling fish, livebearers, rainbowfish, small catfish. Peacock Gudgeons and Panda Garra are a great choice.