Live Cichlid

Blood Parrot Cichlid


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$19.99 USD
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$19.99 USD

General: The blood parrot cichlid is the hybrid product of the midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) and the redhead cichlid (Paraneetroplus synspilus). Parrot cichlids often develop distinct personalities, which has lead to a large fanbase in the aquarium hobby. They were first bred in Taiwan in 1986 and remain one of the most controversial species in the hobby. Hybrid cichlids are generally frowned upon, and on top of that, parrot cichlids often can have deformities that can affect their ability to eat and swim. Despite this, certain varieties of parrot cichlids are long-lived and very hardy for the home aquarium. When purchased at a small size, parrot fish will tend to be very skittish and are best kept with peaceful species. They will become more gregarious as they get older. Parrot cichlids love to excavate gravel areas, so it is best to not have live plants in their aquariums in order to avoid being uprooted. Parrot cichlids prefer aquariums with a large, open swimming area combined with accessible hiding spots and caves.

Dimorphism: Every blood parrot cichlid juvenile has a black, silver, and white coloration. As they mature, the blood parrot cichlid slowly turns orange or pink. Determining the gender of any blood parrot cichlid is difficult. The male will often show a deeper red coloration around the operculum (gill cover) when it is ready to breed.

Fecundity: Blood parrot cichlids are sterile hybrids, so no viable offspring will be produced if two pair up and lay eggs. However, females sometimes can be fertile and hybridize with other Central American cichlid species.

Water Chemistry: 72-80° F, KH 9-20, pH 6.5-8.0

Aquarium Diet: Blood parrot cichlids are omnivores and will accept cichlid pellets, brine shrimp, blackworms, bloodworms, ghost shrimp, algae wafers, and fish flakes.

Compatibility: Blood parrot cichlids are considered semi-aggressive and will typically be compatible with the Jack Dempsey cichlid (Rocio octofasciata), severum (Heros sp.), catfish species such as the featherfin synodontis (Synodontis eupterus), acara cichlids (Andinoacara pulcher), and oscars (Astronotus ocellatus). In a large enough aquarium, the Blood Parrot Cichlid is sometimes compatible with fast-swimming species such as silver dollars (Metynnis argenteus) or giant danios (Devario aequipinnatus).









5 - 8




Orange, Red

