Live Tetra

Red & Blue Colombian Tetra


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$4.99 USD
Remarks: Red and Blue Columbian Tetras (Hyphessobrycon columbianus) are a peaceful species of tetra that works well with large cichlids due to their robust size. At full length, they can measure 3-4" from tip to tip. Both males and females have shiny blue bodies with bright red fins, and the fins in males extend slightly further than in females. A school of 10-20 will look very natural in a 55 gallon tank with some Angelfish, Severums, or Geophagus.

Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon columbianus

Common Name: Red and Blue Colombian Tetra

Max Size: 4"

pH: 5.0-8.0

Hardness: Soft

Temperature: 70-82°

Aggressiveness: Peaceful

Region of Origin: South America

Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred

Diet: Small flake or pellet, small frozen or live foods

Compatibility: Similarly sized schooling fish, dwarf cichlids, Corydoras, livebearers, rainbowfish, Loricariids